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Ontario COVID-19 Vaccine Form for Federal Programs

If you have received one or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine through a Federal program, while in the province of Ontario (examples include military, or embassy vaccination clinics) you may provide your proof of immunization to Ottawa Public Health. Complete the form below to notify Ottawa Public Health, and upload the documentation you have received.

Regular Force Canadian Armed Forces members do not require their vaccinations to be recorded in Ontario. The Canadian Armed Forces proof of vaccination is recognized as valid proof of vaccination in Ontario and no further action is required.

  • If you are currently serving as a CAF member (who is not retiring) and have vaccines in both systems, then the civilian administered proofs of vaccination can be added into the DND (Department of National Defense) system. Please contact your health unit within Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Health Services for details.
  • If you are a retired CAF member or are about to retire, please complete this form and upload your DND proof of vaccination to have them added into the Ontario system.

Do not use this form to submit medical exemption information.

Your Information

Are you an active CAF member? (if you are a CAF member who is about to retire, check no).

Dose Information

Upload documentation

Please note: Residents are responsible for translating their records to English or French. Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization provides translation services, or you may check with embassies or community associations for further assistance.

Please ensure the proof of vaccination contains:

  • The vaccinated person's name
  • The date of vaccination
  • The type of vaccine

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

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