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Personal Service Setting Special Event Organizer Application Form

Special events in the City of Ottawa that offer personal services on-site must comply with all applicable sections of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario Regulation 136/18: Personal Service Settings.

Special events include conventions, expos, shows, and fairs.

You must notify Ottawa Public Health (OPH) by completing and submitting the Organizer Application Form a minimum of 14 days prior to the event.

Organizer Information

Alternate Contact

Event Information

Expected number of attendees:

Vendor Information

Vendor Set up:
Types of services that will be offered at the event (check all that apply):

Vendor List

Please list the vendors at this event

Vendor Set up:

Site Plan

  • Your site plan will indicate all areas to be used and the location of all facilities and activities, including the location of:
    • Personal services vendors
    • Structured vendor handwash stations (needs approval from OPH)
    • Washrooms
    • Food services vendors

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

I Acknowledge the following OPH requirements:

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