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COVID-19 Community Reporting Tool

This tool is for community groups to notify Ottawa Public Health when they become aware of two or more people in their setting or group who have tested positive for COVID-19 within a 14-day period. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential. 

Has your group previously worked with Ottawa Public Health regarding COVID-19 cases?

Please complete the information below: 


"Community group" refers to a group of people who come together for a specific reason.  For example, Ottawa Soccer is a sports team made up of 15 players who meet at Mooney’s Bay Park every Saturday at 6:00pm.

Please complete the information below.

Community Group COVID-19 Reporting 

Now that we have determined that there were members who tested positive for COVID-19 within a 14-day period, we need to determine if they were infectious while they attended the community setting.

Symptomatic Case: A person with COVID-19 is contagious from 48 hours before symptoms start until the end of their self-isolation period, usually 10 days after symptoms began.

Asymptomatic Case: If an individual has no symptoms, they are considered contagious from 48 hours before the date they were tested until 10 days after the test date.

Example: If an employee develops a fever and cough on April 4 and tests positive for COVID-19, they would be considered contagious between April 2 and April 14.

Based on the information above, did a member who tested positive for COVID-19 attend the community group while they were infectious?
Are you aware that any of the cases you are reporting are related to a variant of concern? (i.e. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta)
Are you aware of other members who acquired COVID-19 due to spread while attending the community group?

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