Form Builder

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Drug Paraphernalia Reporting Form (for public use)

Thank you. Your active participation in retrieving discarded needles and drug paraphernalia has made a positive impact on Ottawa’s communities. By reporting your collections, you assist Ottawa Public Health to understand the situation at the neighbourhood level, identify trends, and adjust service levels. 

How to use the webform 

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Hover over the ? symbol for further instruction on how to complete each section. For instructions on how to safely handle and dispose of needles, watch this video.

This webform is intended for community members who retrieve and discard drug paraphernalia themselves. Call 311 to report the discarded item if you prefer to have a city staff retrieve it. In that case, City staff will report the item to Ottawa Public Health directly and completing this webform is not required. This webform will not dispatch City staff.  

Contact Information

Why do we ask for personal information?
Check this box to receive an email copy of your response.

Items Found

Record the quantity of each item type found. Select "Add Item" to record another item.

Location Information

-- OR --
Use my current location:
(Requires that you consent to location sharing when prompted by your browser)

Did you use OPH’s new Sharps Kit Program to retrieve these items?

Contact for further information.

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